Studia Śląskie tom 17 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 17


I. Articles

  • Manfred Kutyma, Trends in education of children in Opole voivodeship (Some problems of the regional educational policy)
  • Robert Rauziński, Human factor in the agriculture of Opole Silesia after the Second World War
  • Rudolf Weiner, Tendencies in the development of the agrarian structure of the individual peasant farms in Opole voivodeship in the years 1950—1960
  • Bożena Błahut, Resources of durable means in the state farms in Opole voivodeship in 1961/1962—1967/1968

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Maria Tkocz, My recollection of the years 1939—1945
  • Alfred Konieczny, The liberation of Silesia in the Soviet historical literature
  • Zbigniew Kowalski, A contribution to [the study of] the process of the people’s government in Opole Silesia in 1945
  • Czesław Nowiński, Some aspects of mechanization of agriculture in Lower Silesia (exeplified by the State Enterprise of Tractors and Agricultural Machines, 6th June 1945 — 8th Feb. 1947
Autorzy / Authors

Błahut Bożena, Konieczny Alfred, Kowalski Zbigniew, Kutyma Manfred, Nowiński Czesław, Rauziński Robert, Tkocz Maria, Weiner Rudolf

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Józef Kokot

Liczba stron / Number of pages