Studia Śląskie tom 3 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 3


I. Articles

  • Karol Jonca, The problem of [the construction of] the Odra-Danube canal during the years 1870—1914. A historical and economic study
  • Edward Szwed, The Polish People’s University in Opole Silesia between the two wars
  • Joanna Jąderko-Ładomirska, A Polish-German dispute about the criterion of national [affiliation] in Opole Silesia
  • Agnieszka Nowak, The massacre of Polish artists of the Theatre of Katowice in Opole on 28th April 1929 in the light of German documents
  • Franciszek Połomski, The Polish-German dispute about sterilisation in Opole Silesia
  • Anna Olszewska-Ładykowa, Leisure of the working women in an Opolean village factory
  • Zygmunt Gostkowski, From the research on the reading of books in 12 village libraries in Opole county, Lower Silesia, Poland
  • Stanisława Barącz, The metallurgic industry in Opole Silesia
  • Maria Kurowska, The exploitation of quarries in Opole Silesia
  • Bożena Błahut, Economic conditions for the growing of vegetables in the province of Opole
  • Karol Błahut, The development of handicrafts in the province of Opole

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Klotylda Godzińska, The history of the Polish college for girls at Racibórz with the seat at Tarnowskie Góry (1934—1939)
  • Stanisław Nabzdyk, The history of the Polish school in the county of Prudnik (1931—1949)
  • Franciszek Połomski, Arrests undertaken by the gestapo in Wrocław from October 1939 to July 1941
Autorzy / Authors

Barącz Stanisława, Błahut Bożena, Błahut Karol, Godzińska Klotylda, Gostkowski Zygmunt, Jąderko-Ładomirska Joanna, Jonca Karol, Kurowska Maria, Nabzdyk Stanisław, Nowak Agnieszka, Olszewska-Ładykowa Anna, Połomski Franciszek, Szwed Edward

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Seweryn Wysłouch

Liczba stron / Number of pages