Studia Śląskie tom 39 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 39


I. Articles

  • Mirosław Cygański, The attitude of the German middle-class political parties in the Upper Silesia towards the Polish National Movement in the Plebiscite 1919—1921
  • Stanisław Gawlik, The problems of polish education in the Upper Silesia in the period of the Insurrections and the Plebiscite
  • Joachim Glensk, Polish and German press concerning the Insurrections and the Plebiscite in Silesia
  • Kazimierz Feleszko, Slovenian recollections of Silesia
  • Dorota Simonides, The native folklore and the Polish national consciousness in Silesia
  • Teresa Smolińska, The folklore carriers in Silesia of the 19th century exeplified in the investigations of Lucjan Malinowski
  • Bogdan Cimała, The place of Silesian voivodeship in Polish exchange trade with the Soviet Union in the years 1926—1939
  • Robert Rauziński, Spatial differentiation of the demographic situation of regions of the country and the problems of social policy

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Marek Górny, From investigations on the Upper-Silesian population inhabiting the parish of Radzionków in the years 1851—1870
  • Zyta Zarzycka, Remarks on the crimes of the German Selbstschutz during the Third Silesian Insurrection. From the materials of the Insurgent Action Museum in Leśnica
Autorzy / Authors

Cimała Bogdan, Cygański Mirosław, Feleszko Kazimierz, Gawlik Stanisław, Glensk Joachim, Górny Marek, Rauziński Robert, Simonides Dorota, Smolińska Teresa, Zarzycka Zyta

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Karol Jonca

Liczba stron / Number of pages