Studia Śląskie tom 6 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 6


I. Articles

  • Franciszek Połomski, The after-Insurrection terror in Opole region and the attitude of the German authorities
  • Stanisława Barącz, The development of agriculture in Namysłów district
  • Rudolf Weiner, Industrialisation and the agrarian and demographic structure of Koźle district
  • Norbert Słopecki, The role of Prudnik industrial centre in the economic development of Opole region
  • Jerzy Czupiał, The localisation of industry in Nysa district
  • Karol Błahut, The connection of small industry with the local raw material basis in Opole region
  • Karol Jonca, The projects of the construction of waterways Odra-Danube and Odra-Vistula in the years 1914—1945 (A historical and economic study)

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Jarosław Wit Opatrny, Letters of Józef Lompa to Jan Evangelista Purkyně [Selection]


Autorzy / Authors

Barącz Stanisława, Błahut Karol, Czupiał Jerzy, Jonca Karol, Opatrny Jarosław Wit, Połomski Franciszek, Słopecki Norbert, Weiner Rudolf

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Seweryn Wysłouch

Liczba stron / Number of pages