Studia Śląskie tom 64 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 64


Opole Silesia in the People’s Republic of Poland

  • Introduction (Bernard Linek, Krzysztof Tarka)
  • Grzegorz Strauchold, The historiography of the Third Republic of Poland towards Opole Silesia
  • Stanisław Senft, The consequences of World War 2 for Opole Silesia
  • Lukasz Kamiński, A few remarks on investigating the reality of Polish People’s Republic on the basis of the files of the Security Service
  • Adam Dziuba, The Polish independence underground in Opole Silesia in the years 1945-1950
  • Tomasz Kurpierz, The inhabitants of the Opole Region sentenced to death by WSR in Katowice in the years 1946-1950
  • Andrzej Hanich, The relations between the State and the Catholic Church in the times of Władysław Gomułka and Edward Gierek (1956-1980) with a special inclusion of Opole Silesia
  • Piotr Madajczyk, The attitudes of the Silesian population towards the People’s Republic of Poland. Between emigration and assimilation
  • Bernard Linek, The activity of the security service in Opole Silesia in the fifties (a case study of the County of Strzelce)
  • Jarosław Neja, The March of 1968 at Silesian Polytechnics in Gliwice
  • Damian Mielcarek, The events in Opole Silesia in the time of the students’ protests of March 1968 in the light of archival and press materials
  • Mariusz Patelski, The Independent Students’ Association in Opole (October 1980-December 1981)

Miscellanea and Materials

  • Andrzej Szymański, The pious Eufemia (Ofka) – the Duchess and Dominican nun of Racibórz
  • Joanna Krajewska, The youth of the German minority in Opole Silesia
  • Magdalena Ujma, The “Nouvelles Ordinaires” towards the problems relating to Silesia of the Counter-Reformation era in the years 1631-1648
  • Marek P. Czaplińiski, Prevention of the epidemic of cholera of poultry in Upper Silesia in the years 1897-1914
  • Wanda Musialik, Faultiness in the management of public means in the First Seym of Silesia
  • Adam Ambros, The railway transport in Opole Silesia. Its role and social functions
Autorzy / Authors

Ambros Adam, Czapliński Marek, Dziuba Adam, Hanich Andrzej, Kamiński Łukasz, Krajewska Joanna, Kurpierz Tomasz, Linek Bernard, Madajczyk Piotr, Mielcarek Damian, Musialik Wanda, Neja Jarosław, Patelski Mariusz, Senft Stanisław, Strauchold Grzegorz, Szymański Andrzej, Tarka Krzysztof, Ujma Magdalena

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Stanisław Senft

Liczba stron / Number of pages


Streszczenia / Summaries

Streszczenie, Summary, Zusammenfassung, Spis treści, Contents, Inhaltsverzeichnis