Studia Śląskie tom 8 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 8


I. Articles

  • Bogusław Olszewski, Some problems of the indebtedness of the Silesian farming between the two wars
  • Jerzy Czupiał, Some problems of the development and placing of the industry in the town Brzeg and in the county of Brzeg
  • Stanisława Barącz, The structure of the sowing in the farms of different kind in Opole district 1951—1960
  • Bożena Błahut, Te structure and the trends of the farming in the northern counties of Opole district
  • Karol Błahut, The influence of the industrialisation in the county of Opole upon the change of the professional structure of the rural population
  • Maria Kurowska, Some problems of the labour market of the industrial centre of Krapkowice
  • Jerzy Balaryn, The structure of the population of Opole district
  • Robert Rauziński, The demographic conditions in the country of Opole district in the decennium 1950—1960

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Karol Jonca, The assumptions of the German programme of the so-called “Help for the East” (1936 r.)


Autorzy / Authors

Balaryn Jerzy, Barącz Stanisława, Błahut Bożena, Błahut Karol, Czupiał Jerzy, Jonca Karol, Kurowska Maria, Olszewski Bogusław, Rauziński Robert

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Seweryn Wysłouch

Liczba stron / Number of pages